воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


The name 'TutorialList' does not exist in the current context I'm new to this. On compilation I get: The name 'OfficeComponent' does not exist in the current context as an error message. An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. The name 'password' does not exist in the current context Hi, I get this error, can someone please help me? mywebpagesstarterkit

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in MyWebPagesStarterKit | source code search engine

I have created a server side event handler for the button click event which saves the values from the other controls within the task bar.

Can someone please help with the error.

An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Any ideas is greatly appreciated. Unknown server tag 'FCKeditorV2: Web i am using C. This bar includes a dropdown, two boxes and a save button.

Removed Mywebpagesstwrterkit and sorted, works beautifully again. The name 'Server' does not exist in the current context Follow ing is my code. This my very first time to encounter this error and it's really freakin me out. The name 'xxx' does not exist in the current context. I wen tthough and added all the stuff to the project. I have marked the spot where the errors are happening. Why not write for us?


The name 'dynamic control name' does not exist in the current context I create a task bar line dynamically in default. NET and Java programmers. Anybody who can lend a helping hand? The name 'TutorialList' does not exist in the current context I'm new to this.

On compilation I get: White ; Line The name 'Settings' does not exist in the current context I'm getting this compilation error which I can't for the life of me work out as there is absolutely no reference to the now deleted 'TELDIRConnectionString'.

Source Code Commits The name 'password' does not exist in the current context Source Error: I have managed to upload the mpsk to my host server.

The name 'OfficeComponent' does not exist in the current context as an error message. The name 'checkbox1' does not exist in the current context After the CheckBoxthe intellisense only show Items and not Item in the page that has problem. The name 'InterpolationMode' does not exist in the current contextSource Error: This ascx and ascx. mywebpagewstarterkit


My Web Pages Starter Kit is a simple yet powerful file based content management system for small websites. I use same code default.

How to backup and restore a MyWebPagesStarterKit web application to your hosting account?

Now I have had to come back to it and I am getting this CS But hopefully most providers have allowed http requests in their configs in order to make webservices etc.

Our tools We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C to VB. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

You also need to read ALL the documentation and go through any examples provided.

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