понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


Friendly reminder for how I rate things: My favorite moment in this less-than-two-minute video is the moment when Ed and Al run through each other changing colors and beginning to fade away. Fortunately, the show does have stellar openings and endings which only add to the gripping effect that FMAB had on me. The way everything ties back to the plot is great, including the tiniest of details. Then we see Winry slightly get blown back as a result of the same thing. The song makes up for it with a faster pace. It leads the league my entire anime library head rankings in head bobs per game too many to count , and the song is probably on my top-5 catchy anime openings of all time list. fullmetal alchemist openings and endings

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Static character shots with hair flowing in the wind. Good because Winry needed more exposure at this point in the story.

The visuals canonically represent the turning point for the series. Also, this list in this order is entirely subjective and is openinga based on my feelings. It leads the league my entire anime library head rankings in head bobs per game too many to countand the song is probably on my top-5 catchy anime openings of all time list.

But seriously, having the Elric family photos board featured here is a nice touch along with flashbacks of the young Elrics.

fullmetal alchemist openings and endings

This site uses cookies. The first 14 episodes are really good; the next alcchemist is when it turns great. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: The last cut, a cute scene of Edward and Winry finally getting the rest they deserve, is heartwarming.

The opening also depicts one of the emotional peaks of the series when Ed enters the gate after being swallowed by Gluttony. Email required Address never made public. This is good and bad.


Also, the short fight sequence of Al vs. There are different art styles, emotional scenes, and the extended presence of rain throughout. Fortunately, the show does have stellar openings and endings which only add to the gripping effect that FMAB had on me. This is a nice song.

Category:Fullmetal Alchemist songs - Wikipedia

Seeing Ed face off against the homunculi really makes you think of the possibilities had they gotten to face off in the main storyline all at once. If it physically hurt me to put Golden Time Lover at third, imagine how much it hurts to put this in second place. The black and white cuts from Ed to Al along with the cool start to the song sets a good mood.

The way the quick cuts in the song go with quick visual cuts is mind-blowing. I actually think this song on its own is better than than the 1 choice.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Openings and Closings: Ranked

The character intros are so clean, and they represent the characters well. The song is alright, but everything else is. The way everything ties back to the plot is great, including the tiniest of details.

fullmetal alchemist openings and endings

This opening encapsulates what everyone is feeling: My favorite moment in this less-than-two-minute video is the moment when Ed and Al run through each other changing colors fullmeetal beginning to fade away. Then we see Winry slightly get blown back as a result of the same thing. The introductions of the Mount Briggs character generates strong hype as well.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Openings and Closings: Ranked – Coffee with ParaDoxy

Friendly reminder for how I rate things: This is where my heart starts to hurt. This is art literally. The beginning of the opening and the end are parallel with Ed laying in a alchemiet of flowers. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: The character intros are crisp; the newer characters like Ling Yao and Mei Chang and Xiao-Mei get a really nice and fitting introduction here.

fullmetal alchemist openings and endings

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