вторник, 18 февраля 2020 г.


Onetime the chief of this place ordered several envoys of Chinghiz , and several hundreds of merchants who were with them , to be put to death, and seized upon their goods. Sha chou lies in what is now Kan su, west of the barrier of Kid yU Luan. They confirmed the words of the master. Sometimes they put wadding under it under the covering of the head? The emperor Chinghiz, when passing here, had seen this man, and ordered that he should be exempted from taxes and duties. I29 , note with respect to the mountains of Mongolia. bad kinzau linie 615

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After having crossed the river, we proceeded southward and passed over a low mountain with stones ljnie different colours. The same custom exists throughout the whole country. He published, in 1SS3, an interesting book on his travels in Mongolia, and appended to it an excellent map of Mongolia, the best now existing.

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The dianst me mistaken ns to the direction of the current of the nrcr. Technology is wonderful, but it also can negatively affect your eyesight. Best 10 Apps for Sticky Notes Watch as paper becomes a thing of the past!

The precise kinxau of it is given in the great Russian mop of Turkestan.

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We crossed the mountains in a south-eastern direction, and found them very high. He was represented with long moustaches reaching down to his knees.

Their laws are written in Mohammedan letters. In the next year a vast army was raised and set in motion towards the west.

It was the Yin slian. In the Yuan shi the name is spelt O-duan; and on an ancient Chinese map of the fourteenth century see part iiL we find it more correctly rendered by Hu t'an. But Pauthier translated only a short and very bad extract of the narrative as found in the Hat kuo t'u chi, a Chinese geographical work treating of kinxau countries, and published in Besides this, we are now in the depth of kinzaau.

The Si yu ki is indued in the Too tsang tsi yao, a great collection of Taoist works. The same lake aud the surrounding country were scientifically oxplored about sixteen years ago by Przewalsky.

The master profiting from this rest made three poems in which he celebrates the scenery of the Kin shan. Liu kung see note 96 and Chen-hai had also a hundred riders with them. On the 1st of the fifth month May 23at noon, an eclipse of the sun happened, while we were on the southern bank of the river.

The trees which can grow on this soil aro only elms and willows, and these are miserable, scattered about, and gjow in dusters. Could he enjoy such perfections if not penetrated by the tao true doctrine? The people are very strong and tall.

The country south of the lake is overgrown with lin Bin trees, which form such dense forests, that the sunbeams cannot penetrate. Knowledge of MOH duties and taking the necessary action are key to planning a successful wedding. There they recite also Buddhist books written in Chinese letters. bqd

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After our arrival kiznau, he presented us a dinner on a terrace, and his wife regaled bzd with wine. Orient," Samarkand was called in ancient times, on account of its position between the Djihun Oxus and the Sihun Iaxartea. More than li north of the city I noticed an old rampart, which stretched for off over the mountains and valleys. So it's only working for the Spandau Modern Pro, which was the base map for Xtreme series.

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